Homeopathy Tips Newsletter

How to Find Out What Is Asking to Be Healed

One of the key elements to successful Homeopathic prescribing is knowing what’s asking to be healed. Without this, we do not have a case. When your client is giving their case, it is not always so easy to decipher between the presenting symptoms and the root cause of them. But unless you can perceive the general energy of the case, you will not be so successful in finding the correct remedy.

The key to finding the core energy of the case is having a clear mind, without prejudice. Only when we are able to allow everything that we are experiencing with the case to come up and then let go can the distilled, single idea, ever come forth. There are far too many details and symptoms to ever perceive the general single idea about the case if we are caught up in them.

These details are important in repertization and finding the remedy, but they are not nearly as important in knowing what is asking to be healed. When I am teaching with cases I always ask the students, “Do we have...

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The Importance of the Skin Eruption

Often, in the course of treatment, I have a client who starts to complain about a skin eruption. If they missed the part of our initial consultation about skin eruptions, the conversation goes something like this:

"Hey Robert, should I go see the dermatologist for this thing happening on my skin. I think I have eczema. Maybe I should get some cream for it. It sure itches." This is when I get to repeat myself and remind them of the importance of skin eruptions.

The skin is the largest and least vital organ of the body. It is also the most peripheral organ, at the most outer surface of the body. The skin can express the most dis-ease and the body can still function and survive. Slight damage to the brain, heart or, lungs can lead to death or severe suffering. But the skin can sustain severe damage and the whole organism can still function.

When we heal, the physical body needs to express all levels of our healing. The vital force needs to be able to push the...

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The Art of Active Listening

When we receive a case, it is the homeopath’s job to listen and record as close to verbatim as possible everything the person says. This requires active listening. We are listening and writing at the same time. This is not a difficult task once you have practiced it. One of the challenges I see in students is learning the art of active listening. This is not the same as everyday listening. It requires us to pay very close attention to the words the person is saying and the context they are using them in.

This is not conversational listening. This is active listening and demands focus and using both sides of our brain at the same time. People speak to give voice to their thoughts. They are telling you the content of their mind. Some have the ability to speak untruths to a greater extent than others. But in the end, even the most sincere person will bend their truths and paint slightly different realities than exist. This is fine for the homeopath because what...

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The Use of Biochemic Cell Salts

Biochemistry is a foundational understanding of using body constituents to help the body heal. Its roots date back to 1832 where a statement was written in Stapf’s Archiv, "All the essential component parts of the human body are great remedies." Another article in the same journal from 1846 reads, "All the essential component parts of the human body act on such organs principally where they have function."

It was in 1873 that Dr. Schuessler published his first article about the biochemical form of medicine. He identified a basic understanding of this medical view. It is based on three main principles.

  1. The human body contains twelve vital inorganic elements that are responsible for the maintenance of normal cell function.
  2. When, from some cause, one or more of these elements become deficient, the normal cell function or metabolism is disturbed and a condition arises known as disease.
  3. By supplying to the system the lacking elements in the form of...
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The Importance of Nutrition

Many times in the treatment of chronic disease, we have great expectations that the homeopathic remedy will inspire a cure, if not at least palliation of symptoms. When the best remedy is given and the results are minimal, we often believe we have made a mistake because the client is not improving as we would expect. But sometimes the mind and the body cannot heal because the building blocks for healing are not present in the person.

Even with obesity on the rise, there are many, many cases of nutritional starvation that we are treating. The advent of monocultural farming methods with chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides have rendered our soils very depleted and toxic. This combination of food quality, as well as poor diet, have brought the modern man to a very nutritionally challenged place.

Years of poor diet have rendered many of our clients living in starvation. When the foods we eat have no nutritional value, we often consume more to try to stave off the...

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A New Year's Resolution

I hope all of you had a Merry Christmas. Now it’s time to think about the New Year.

As the new year arrives, it is a good time to reflect back and to look forward. All of us want the next year to be better than the last. Often, we try to accomplish this with a new years resolution. If any part of your resolution is to be a better homeopath, here are a few tips to help you in your studies.

  • Make your goals realistic and visualize them making you very happy. For example, see yourself with great confidence finding the perfect remedy for your client and having them report to you how great they are feeling.
  • Study Materia Medica daily. There is rarely a day that goes by that I do not look into a book and read a little. Find some time to open the books and open your mind to study a remedy, whether it is new or familiar. Amazingly, that information will start to stick if you keep at it. It will come back to you when you least expect it. You will find you know more than you thought.
  • ...
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What Healing Looks Like

Finding what is asking to be healed is one of the big challenges for homeopaths. But once the remedy is given, how do we know that it is really working? It helps to have a guide to knowing what healing looks like. It is different for every case.

Constantine Hering gave us Hering’s Law of Cure that describes how healing follows most naturally. I have seen this in action many times. His precepts are:

  • We heal from the top downward
  • We heal from the inside outward.
  • We heal the most vital organs first to the least vital organs.
  • We heal from the most recent symptoms to those most distant in time.

These do not necessarily need to follow any particular order and can be happening simultaneously at the same time in a case.

Each case is different and has its own expression of intensity. When we give a remedy, we do not know the response the person will have to it. Therefore, it is very important to observe the reaction. Sometimes it is very difficult to understand what is happening...

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Homeopathy for Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is the most common complication of pregnancy. This occurs due to higher levels of hormones required to maintain pregnancy. Estrogen and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) are the two hormones most responsible. These lead to a variety of symptoms that affect the digestive tract. Due to nausea and vomiting, complications can occur that can be life-threatening to the mother and the fetus if severe and not treated.

Nausea and vomiting can usually be helped by changing the diet or patterns of eating. Eating a bland diet of bouillon or consomme, crackers, and rice may help. Eating before becoming very hungry can also alleviate some degree of the symptoms by keeping small amounts of food in the stomach to palliate the heartburn and nausea.

If nausea and vomiting are so intense that dehydration, weight loss, or other problems develop, the mother may need to be hospitalized and intravenous fluids administered. Heartburn and belching are common because during pregnancy the...

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Remedies for Acute Infection

There is more DNA in our bodies that is not of our genetic strain than there is DNA of our own. We are living in a symbiotic relationship with millions of other living micro-organisms. These micro-organisms are present everywhere; in our bodies, on our bodies, and in our environment. Most of these micro-organisms are harmless or even necessary for our own health and well being.

The micro-organisms that are responsible for many of our illnesses are bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Bacterial and viral infections are the most common causes of acute infections. Bacteria are microscopic one-celled organisms that in the right environment can cause acute infection. The most common infectious bacteria are Streptococcus, Stapyllococcus, Escherichia coli, and Clostridia.

Bacteria responsible for infection are usually identified by their shape and how they look when stained looking at them under a microscope. Round shaped bacteria are cocci, rod-like bacteria are bacilli and spiral or...

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The Person, Not the Disease

In many of my newsletters, I have mentioned that "the remedy is for the person and not their disease." I've been asked for clarifications and I want to explain further now!

Homeopathy is individualized medicine. A constellation or picture of disease is painted by the symptoms a person has. They are NOT their disease. They are a living expression of energy, made in the image of G-d, and a part of all creation.

Dis-ease or "disease" is an energy that clings to this person. It could only be known by the animating vital force. Otherwise, if there were no animating vital force then we would say that the person was dead. As the vital force rules with unbounded sway, it makes no mistakes and has the principle of survival built into it. It wants to reflect this ever-expanding continuum of life force expression that it is a part of. This is why Hering’s Law of Cure (from the inside out) makes real sense, not just because it is observed so frequently.

The only way disease could ever be...

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