Homeopathy Tips Newsletter

Dealing With One-Sided Cases

Last week, we discussed two-rubric prescribing and the confusion in cases with many rubrics leading to many remedies. This week, let's dive into one-sided cases, some of the most difficult cases that come to homeopaths, the ones with very few symptoms. Hahnemann recognized this also and wrote about it in the Organon in Aphorisms 172 through 184. He described these cases as one-sided and are less amenable to cure. Let’s review each of the Aphorisms and really understand what he was sharing with us.

These Aphorisms are in common language and not from any translation. They are simple explanations of the content in layman's terms.

  • Aphorism 172 – In reference to the cure of cases, Hahnemann recognized that some difficult cases are those with too few symptoms. In his described methods for removal of disease in previous Aphorisms, he told of the importance of the whole person and understanding the multitude of symptoms. But when there are few symptoms, the system for cure...
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Two Rubric Prescribing

When receiving a case, we often are given a lot of seemingly valuable information. As the person tells their story, we can end up with dozens of different symptoms that can be repertized. This can be an overwhelming amount of information, especially if repertizing by using books. With modern computer repertizing programs, it is easy to enter all of these symptoms and get many suggestions for remedies.

When we have a case that has so many rubrics, it will often leave us more confused. If we have chosen rubrics that have hundreds of different remedies under them, having to sift through so many remedy choices can be a daunting task. Often, we can narrow the list of possibilities down to six remedies or so if we have good knowledge of Materia Medica.

But when we have so many rubrics leading to so many remedies, we can miss the most vital part of the case. Most often Sulphur and the other leading polycrest remedies will be the most indicated. In the end, this will not lead to good...

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Homeopathy for Migraines

Migraine headaches are a common form of headaches but unique in their character and usually of a more violent nature. Allopathic medication is the standard treatment but homeopathy offers many remedies that can help not only the headache but help a person to remove the tendency to migraines as well.

There are two basic types of migraine headaches: 

1. Those with a visual aura or disturbance preceding the onset of pain.

2. Those without the visual disturbances.

Common to both of these types of migraines are nausea (sometimes with vomiting) and photophobia. Migraine headaches with aura are defined by the International Headache Society as at least 2 attacks that are unrelated to organic disease with at least one reversible aura symptom indicating cerebral cortical or brain-stem dysfunction lasting more than 60 minutes. The headache pain may precede, be concurrent with, or follow within 60 minutes of the aura.

The IHS defines...

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How to Properly Handle Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic remedies are potentized energetic solutions either administered through drops or medicated to milk sugar pellets. They must be handled appropriately for them to maintain their energy and effectiveness. If a remedy is stored properly, it can remain potent and effective for many decades.

Remedies are sensitive to strong sunlight and should be stored in a dark glass bottle out of direct sunlight. Under normal room lighting, they can remain unaffected. Try to avoid opening the bottle and taking remedies in direct sunlight. Always close the bottle tightly after use. Because the remedies are energetic, they need to be protected from other energetic sources.

Remedies should not be stored anywhere near strong electromagnetic fields, x-rays, or microwave radiations. These can affect a remedy through the bottle. Keep remedies at least one foot from all electrical cords or small appliances such as lights. Appliances such as microwave ovens should be avoided and the remedy...

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Guidelines For Symptom Selection

The initial consultation is very important. The client comes with a big story of their suffering and their life. How we understand this as a homeopath is most important. We can only know the true portrait of their dis-ease by the symptoms they have. These can be objective as in physical observations or subjective as in the way a certain malady feels to the client. The most important task the homeopath has is to understand what is asking to be healed. Without symptoms, we could never know.

To understand symptoms, we must understand the difference between health and dis-ease. Without comparison, we could never perceive the most appropriate symptoms to select rubrics during repertization. One of the biggest mistakes in this process happens with the selection of common traits of a person that has aspects of the dis-ease but does not fully reflect what is asking to be healed. An example is a person who worries about their children. This is very common and may not be...

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4 Common Prejudices to Avoid in Case-Receiving

The most common pitfall in homeopathy is prejudice. This is prejudice on the part of the homeopath whose pitfall is not seeing the case clearly because of ideas in his/her mind that are not of the essence of the case. Let’s examine the roots of this prejudice and what it means.

First, the definition of prejudice; according to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, prejudice is "an opinion made without adequate basis. To damage by a judgement or action. To judge before full hearing or examination."

Hahnemann spoke of the unprejudiced observer in Aphorism 6 of the Organon of Medicine: "The unprejudiced observer well aware of the futility of transcendental speculations which can receive no confirmation from experience be his powers of penetration ever so great, takes note of nothing in every individual disease, except the changes in the health of the body and of the mind (morbid phenomena, accidents, symptoms) which can be perceived externally by...

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The Process of Illness: Part 2

Last week, in Part 1 of diving into the process of illness, we learned that the illness is the perfect solution to the conflict. If the conflict cannot easily be expressed and resolved, it gets imprinted. Healing is about coming to solutions and doing something about it. When the situation has changed, the biological invariant programming can turn off and normalcy can begin to be reestablished. True healing does not come from outside of the individual. It always comes from the individual. Any individual who expects healing to come from someone else usually remains ill. The best solution to any conflict is to transcend it. Love, acceptance, and inspired change are the hallmarks of true healing. The homeopathic remedy does nothing other than inspire the vital force. Once the vital force is in response to the remedy deeper healing and inspired solutions flow.

There are two phases of disease; the conflict phase and the healing phase. The conflict phase begins with deep stress or...

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The Process of Illness: Part 1

Homeopathy is one of the most powerful healing modalities. But the truth is, homeopathy does not heal us. We heal ourselves. In order to understand the healing process, we need to better understand the process of illness. Why do we get sick the way we do? Jung stated, "We are not here to heal our illnesses. Our illnesses are here to heal us." We must understand the biology of illness and disease to better understand the process of healing. After all, if we do not understand what is asking to be healed, we will never find a remedy to inspire healing. So let's dive into the process of illness.

Our biology has evolved over many thousands of years. In this evolution, we are programmed for survival. Survival is imprinted into our brains. When we feel a threat on any level, mental, emotional, or physical, we use our mind to try to solve the problem of our survival. If the threat is not very intense or of short duration, we will find a solution and this does not get recorded in the brain....

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What Happens When We Respond to a Remedy

Homeopaths often refer to the remedy as "working" when we have a positive response. But what is actually happening when we take a remedy and it works? This is something I find my students often have a hard time explaining and understanding clearly. So let's walk through the process of responding to a remedy and why it even works.

We must first set the groundwork for a remedy’s action by understanding the nature of the vital force. We are spiritual beings with a physical body. This spiritual aspect is immaterial and animates the physical. Without the spiritual vital force, there is no life energy and death is the result. This immaterial vital force is responsible for all consciousness, and sensations experienced by the physical body including mind and emotions.

All dis-ease is a result of a disturbance in the vital force. This is a spiritual dis-ease that eventually is made known in the physical body. The spiritual dis-ease is first known through our mind and how we see our...

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The Challenge for New Homeopaths

Most new students of homeopathy want to know that the money and time they have spent on their education will bring them success. The common questions are, "Will I get a job? Will I make money? How much will I make?" and so on. These are all very good questions but the real answer to all of them is simple; it depends on you.

Homeopathy and alternative medicine are the fastest-growing segments of health care spending. As more and more people become discouraged by the limitations and failures of our allopathic healthcare system, they are turning to alternatives that are safe and effective. Homeopathy offers the safest and, when prescribed correctly, the most effective form of medicine on the planet. There is probably no better time in history to become a homeopath and follow that internal call to help others, but this does not come without its own challenges.

When a person decides to study allopathic medicine, there is a system of education that is built into our educational...

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