The Art and Science of Homeopathic Prescribing

There are two aspects of Homeopathy that seem to be diametrically opposed to each other but are absolutely necessary for Homeopathy to work. These are the "art" and the "science" that must be brought together to form a whole picture of dis-ease and the correct selection of the remedy. At first glance, it seems as though it would be impossible to marry the two. But careful investigation as to the true meaning of these different aspects can bring homeopathy to the level Hahnemann himself experienced.

I speak often about "seeing the case". This is where the "art" part of homeopathy comes in. The ability to be free of prejudice and let the client "paint the picture of their dis-ease". It is much like art appreciation; where there is nothing to judge about the work of art but to simply take it in and allow it to create the feeling inside. The difference is that it is most detrimental to follow feelings when case-taking. Feelings are usually your previous experiences and it is not good to go down a path you have been on before when case-taking. You will miss everything the person is reporting. Rather it is something more akin to taking a new journey that you want to be present for. Then everything the person reports will be fresh and new.

As the case progresses a new painting or portrait will appear. From this new picture, it will be much easier to "see" the deviations from health and the expression of dis-ease. This is the true art of homeopathy. Now after "seeing" the dis-ease, it is necessary to translate this to the repertory.  The selection of rubrics and the case analysis is somewhat more of a science than art because of its linear nature.

When it is time to select a remedy this again seems at first more science. Materia Medica is filled with facts, again a linear idea. But the remedy must have a similar essence or signature for it to be in vibrational harmony and have resonance with the dis-ease; otherwise, it will not be homeopathic. So when reading Materia Medica it is necessary to use an artist's eye to study it. Try to see the picture of the dis-ease that has been painted from the observations of the proving. This is where the real picture and pure essence of the remedy resides.

A recent case of mine provides a good example of looking at the remedy through an artist's eye. The case is of a middle-aged man whose entire story was one triumph over another surviving against incredible odds. Yet the core of his suffering came from a self-destructive pattern in his life. He always came out on top though and has a hero's story. Aside from the element of drug usage in his story, the remedy Heroinum was prescribed. It has worked like magic and his bad back of 25 years is the best it has ever been after 4 months on the remedy. It is no accident that the word "hero" appears in Heroinum.

Many times the doctrine of the signature plays a very important part in understanding a remedy. Other times myths and folklore will tell the story of the remedy. One good Materia Medica I enjoy a lot and has been a great addition to modern homeopathy is Frans Vermuelen's Prisma Series.  These books are great tools and additions to your homeopathic books and I have found them to be invaluable in my work. He has included much more than just the observations of the provings. The information in these books is very useful in understanding the nature of the substance, the folklore, chemistry, and common usage of the substances of the Materia Medica. I highly recommend these books. They are a good source to bring the "art" part of understanding the remedies in an easily assimilated manner.


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