
From real students of Resonance

"I was looking for a healing art that looked at and treated the whole person, spiritually as well as physically, and I found it in homeopathy. Unfortunately, most of the schools I explored tried to force homeopathy into the status quo mold of allopathic medicine, both in educational style and in treatment model. 

The Resonance School of Homeopathy is different.

Robert has created a curriculum that transcends rote memorization and multiple choice tests, to push students into thinking independently and outside the box. He teaches with a carefully thought out balance between spirituality, science, and art. "Live" interviews reinforce the concept of treating the whole person, not just the physical. The growing use of the teleseminars allows communication between students who, like myself, are distance learners. The learning curve is steep and exciting."
~ Rusty Conor

"Last year, I completed a certificate program in Master Herbalism. I love herbs and wanted to help people understand and use herbs for their health. Unfortunately in Nevada, I found out, it is hard to do anything even alternative in regards to health. I did my research and found that you need to be a medical doctor, a doctor of oriental medicine, or a homeopath to do anything even remotely 'medical' in Nevada. I asked the Nevada Homeopathy Board for clarification on some of their restrictions and realized that the best way to do what I wanted to do was to choose a program and get licensed. Medical school was not possible, OM didn’t interest me, and so I explored homeopathy. I did some research online and read about it, and thought it would interest me 'enough' to reach my goals. Your school was in Nevada, and I liked what your website had to say about your philosophy and program structure. I decided to 'give it a year and decide later.' What I didn’t know when I applied was that Resonance School of Homeopathy would change my life.

When I first logged in and saw the expectations for Month 1, I was intimidated. I mean, I have a Masters in Education, so I know studying, but this was at a level I knew would challenge me. I did all of the lessons in order, and I took notes even though I didn’t know half of what you were talking about, and in the end I felt like I had studied Homeopathy for a year. Every month has continued in a similar way, and here at the cusp of my 6th month, I feel like this is what I was supposed to be doing my whole life. I feel like my head has been taken apart and put back together in a brand new way. I feel like everything that I have ever done in my life (educationally, spiritually, personally) has led to this point. I feel like I am finally on track with my destiny. I don’t think I would feel this way if I had chosen another school.

I love so many things about your school and program. First, I love how you make the program challenging. I read a portion of 'The Eye of the I' to a friend of mine, and she were amazed at the level of information it contained. I am glad that you don’t 'dumb down' your program, but inspire us to move forward scholastically and spiritually with each lesson. Second, I feel so fortunate to have live cases. Even with online learning, I am able to learn so much about case-taking – and so much about myself! I was emotional through some of the tougher cases, and was able to explore why and how I can keep my emotions in check to be present for the client. I wonder how students from other schools handle it when they start their homeopathic practice, and have a client cry. If they have never had a real live breathing emotional client, how do they stay present and really see the case for what it is? And lastly, I am grateful for your excellent instruction. You are the perfect blend between tough and compassionate, and you give your students a chance to explore the material and learn instead of spoon-feeding us the answers. You help us develop our own homeopathic art.

In just a few months, it will be the end of my first year, and the end of my 'give it a year and decide later' period. I will be staying, probably for many years. We are moving to Hawaii in 2009 and I will be continuing my studies at Resonance School and doing everything I can to learn more about homeopathy. It is so beyond getting licensed and credentialed at this point. Homeopathy is my true spiritual calling, and I don’t think I would have been able to explore this, to the depth that I have been able to, without your school, your guidance, and your encouragement."

~ Lora Evans

"I've been a student of Robert Field for almost two years now, and during this time my initial deep feeling that here is the best place for me to study homeopathy is repeatedly confirmed. I knew what I wanted before even starting the search. Having gone through years of spiritual training that focussed constantly on remaining practical, impartial and at the same time loving and respectful, I needed a teacher that went beyond lists of symptoms and remedies to encompass the totality of each human being. This Robert does par excellence. As soon as I opened the website, I knew this is the approach to homeopathy that most resonates with my own experience.

Any method or therapy must approach the person in question as a whole. Simply by recognizing that each person is a unique case is a strong spiritual statement that already validates that person's sense of self. Robert teaches this consistently and adamantly. Good homeopathy is not knowing many stock symptom/remedy relations and making a case fit into that body of knowledge. Robert teaches his students to be sensitive to the particular expression of each person, on all levels, and to be open to finding exactly that remedy that resonates with that expression. This is giving the client permission to be fully his/herself. And is in itself deeply healing. As Robert teaches by providing us with many many videoed cases, we students are constantly made to witness the human condition in its myriad of expressions. We must keep our hearts activated to accommodate this, and it leaves little room for theorizing or intellectualizing. This hands-on practical experience is invaluable. We are practicing homeopaths as of day one. It leads to a very solid knowledge of the remedies, as we see them in action both in their negative expression as the dis-ease, and in their positive expression when we observe the clients' healing responses in the follow-ups.

In order for the student/homeopath to register the clues the person is giving during case taking, and to be open to the totality of the case, Robert encourages humility and constant reassessing of one's prejudices and personal stance. This makes studying with Robert a spiritual growth. It keeps us aware that we are constantly learning no matter what level we have reached. That the amazing world of homeopathy is a realm with much depth and subtlety offered to us by the natural world and by those gifted people who developed it. To my knowledge, this is best place where we as students can work towards such subtle understanding."

~ Anonymous

"I want to thank you so much for this course, even though I've only just started. I knew as soon as I opened your website that your teaching is just right for me....I'd been looking for a while for online courses and they all felt so cold. In fact, I feel I've been looking for this even longer than I realized. I need to complement the therapy work that I do with homeopathy, and you teach it in a way that, as you say, resonates with the energy of how I work and live. There really are no accidents!

Each question that I've had so far has been answered later when I review the video and listen openly. I'm sure I'll have plenty soon when I receive the books to read and can start to get a feeling for the individual remedies! Actually, right now I feel that the essence of homeopathy itself is working homeopathically on me, and a lot has changed in the last few weeks. For that already I'm very grateful!"

~ Sharon

"What's really impressing itself on me this year is the realization that our freedom lies in the invisible realms, and that it's our duty to bring it down to the everyday, the rubber-meets-the-road, the clothed-in-flesh reality--regardless of how the rest of the world is expressing itself. We couldn't be in a better profession than spiritual homeopathy and under Robert's tutelage to help bring this about. I'm SO grateful to be walking this path with all of you!"

~ Debie

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"How do I express the dynamic changes that I underwent and a burgeoning homeopath, and equally importantly, as an individual through the process of studying with Robert? One thing that both Robert and his teacher, Vega Rosenberg, stressed was that we can only be as good a homeopath as we are a clear, unbiased observer. That comes from our own healing. So we can only heal to the degree that we are healed.

When I graduated from Robert's class, I literally was not the same person that had joined it a few years before.

There is so much growth and learning that took place with the interaction and continual discussion about both the case before us and the remedies that we were looking at. Robert's class uses 'matching the symptoms to the remedy' as a tool rather than as the total way of prescribing. The most important thing I learned was how to listen and see without judgment, and how to 'see' what it was ALL about, the totality of the 'dis-ease,' the way that person 'saw' life, the way in which life interacted with her. What was the theme, the essence of the deviation from health? I learned by sitting with people, lots of people, watching him work, being included in the process of that work, hearing the comments and questions of the other students and Robert's eager responses. Robert loved and encouraged questions and interaction from us. This is what made it such a dynamic environment for true learning and growing. What Robert teaches is how to get out of our own way to see clearly what each individual is offering us, and then what to do with that, how to take that understanding and translate that into rubrics and our equally dynamic understanding of the remedies that present themselves for consideration. 
I guess what I learned is that one doesn't 'do' homeopathy. One 'is' a homeopath. The only, or best I should say, way of coming to 'be' a homeopath is to 'do' it. This is really true for all learning that becomes a part of who we are."
~ Hilary R.

"I think that because you choose, in your school, to focus on a person’s spiritual journey and not their list of symptoms, that a planetary healing is inspired. When we take a case and talk with our clients, we aren’t healing their back pain, we’re healing their soul, and then they can carry that deeper healing on to those that they encounter. I don’t think that many other schools have truly grasped the opportunity, and responsibility, and possibilities that we hold in our hands when we take a case.

I am just blown away by the magnitude of healing that can take place because of the way that we take a case and treat our clients.

So thank you! Thank you for inspiring me to think deeply about my own journey, and clarify what my place is in this world. I am so glad I found your school."
~ Lora Evans

"I love the program, though it is sometimes a bit overwhelming. There is so much information to absorb. Plus you have to be an Ambassador of Homeopathy and teach people what it's really about. But I love it! I will definitely be continuing in my studies beyond the first year. I feel like I absolutely chose the right school - I am learning so much. I'm going to try to come up for an in-person class this summer too. Blessings to you for such a wonderful school!"

~ Lora Evans

"I’m blown away with your dedication to homeopathy by releasing this fabulous video. I can’t express how blessed and privileged I feel to be one of your 'in house' class students."

~ Donna

"Thanks for this info, I am finding that it is quite indispensable in learning effective case-taking. However, it is through the amazing constructs that your school takes, where live cases are the basis for learning, that brings this information to life for me. The studying of text is great for the purpose of having the information 'in' the brain somewhere, but I find that as a live person describes their dis-ease and the ways in which they suffer, the information that is learned through written word transforms into a sense of knowing and feeling that cannot be duplicated in any other way. For me, it is through real people and their story of how they suffer that real knowledge graces my studies."

~ Keli

"The teaching of Homeopathy requires passion from both the Teacher and the Student. My one year of study in Homeopathy brought me in contact with a very passionate Homeopathic Teacher, one who never held back his knowledge from his students. This was Robert Field who was my Instructor, Teacher, and Mentor at the Resonance School.
In the Ancient Greek philosophical schools of Plato and Socrates, what fostered wisdom and learning was healthy debate and argument, constructive criticism, the acceptance of Principle-based on reality and thinking beyond the present and outside the traditional box.
The Resonance School of Homeopathy is in a time and a place far away from Ancient Greek thought, but it's guiding principles of learning are the same - teach, debate, apply free will, apply real life clinical experience and use vision towards the big picture of Homeopathy.
Learning was not limited to classes but included discussion forums and teleconferences. Even the most shy student could voice his opinion and be heard. And I was one of those students who benefited and grew more confident in my knowledge of Homeopathy by listening to others and voicing my opinion.
Most other schools teach Homeopathy by requiring students to read very dry study material and be equipped for the real clinical world by non-clinical reading and exams. My experience with the Resonance School learning was as close as it gets to the front lines of Homeopathic practice. You are doing the clinical rounds (so to speak) beside Robert Fields as he takes a case, presents it to you, and now the patient's cure depends on yours and Robert's assessment.
In time, Dr. Robert's trademark quote in his case taking "Do we have a case?" will set your Homeopathic bells, whistles, and wheels of knowledge spinning in your brain like a healthy well oiled Pavlovian response. From day one, the video lectures of real cases, real people, real ailments, and real cures taught me the application of homeopathic principles and case-clinic management that no book can teach. After a few weeks of courses, I evolved from being an armchair Homeopath to being a hands-on Homeopath. It is a world of a difference. My one year of learning at Resonance School is a continuing venture of practical growth as a Homeopathic practitioner, but it is a year well spent.

Other Homeopathic schools may teach Homeopathic Knowledge, but Resonance School uniquely teaches Homeopathic Wisdom."

~ Anonymous

"I am a new online student at Resonance School of Homeopathy. It is my third month. My choice was accurate in selecting Resonance in pursuing my Homeopathy career. I found even in this short time that this college has a beauty of Spiritual World and Homeopathy Medical Science together. Resonance is an important bridge between the two. It covers this gap very well.
The way Homeopathy Medical Science is taught in small private colleges in North America is riddled with contradictory dichotomies. It is so disheartening to see that Homeopaths have learned so little from their history. On one side are Kentians and on the other are admirers of Bonninghausen and their bickering continues. Any ambitious student is easily misled by these misinterpretations of this great Western science.

Any prospective student looking for a college finds, without exaggeration, that Resonance teaches a supreme form of homeopathy called Spiritual Homeopathy.

It is a true voice of the discoverer of Homeopathy Samuel F. C. Hahnemann. The credit of this very intuitive approach goes to the Founder and Chancellor of Resonance, Dr. Robert Field, who maintains an excellent track record in healing his clients. I am fortunate to be a student of Resonance School of Homeopathy. I encourage all other probable ones to be a part of it."
~ Ahmed Masood

"I have completed the pathology course. I want you to know how much I appreciate your courses! It seems as if no one else (in the homeopathy world) is offering anything like this, yet we all need these specs before we can move forward for the CHC exam. I believe most people end up taking these courses at community colleges, which require more time and can cost 4 to 5 times more than your courses. That said, you have cornered the market on this, and offer a great opportunity for homeopathy students! In fact, the CHC should have you on a referral list for students inquiring about these classes. At present, they only loosely mention Dr. Taylor's class an option, but his course is 50 weeks long. As far as I can tell, you are the only one offering it this way."

~ Lindsey Mitchell

"I am a brand new student at Resonance School of Homeopathy. It has been a unique experience attending classes there. The style of teaching is 'hands-on,' unlike other traditional schools where you get the "book knowledge" first and then 2-3+ years later start your residency or practical training. Robert gives all of his students the opportunity to participate and ask questions. You don't feel excluded because he will include you! There is also a lot of encouragement from other students. I look forward to becoming a great homeopath under the tutelage of Robert Field at Resonance!"

~ Roz Leslie

"I absolutely love the class. I love that we learn by seeing real people and that the spiritual side of homeopathy is consciously worked with in class. We are spiritual beings first and I think that many other schools ignore that. Thank you for creating the Resonance School of Homeopathy...I love it!"

~ Ariel


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